Recorded Trainings Archive
2021 Staff Training Playlist

Access the playlist here: 

The Playlist includes the following videos

WIOA Follow Up Services; view the PowerPoint here.

RETAIN Program Overview; view the PowerPoint here.

All About Referrals; view the PowerPoint here.

WaitWhile Version 2

WIOA Youth Program Overview; view the PowerPoint here.

More Outlook Training; view the outline here.

Complaint/Apparent Violation System; view the PowerPoint here.

Training Programs 101; view the PowerPoint here.

Migrant/Seasonal Farmworker (MSFW)Training

M-Files Brush Up; view the outline here.

Intranet Overview and Gems; view the outline here.

Jobs for Veterans State Grant (JVSG) Program Overview

Demand Occupations & Eligible Training Providers; view the PowerPoint here.

SCSEP Overview; view the PowerPoint here.

Inclusive Language and LGBT Non Discrimination; view the PowerPoint here.

Incident Reports and You; view the PowerPoint here.

Referrals in M-Files

Excel Tips and Tricks

WorkKeys and WorkKeys Curriculum; view the PowerPoint here and here.

Career Center Services; view the PowerPoint here.

Imagine Academy Overview & Demo; view the PowerPoint here.

Priority of Service Overview; view the PowerPoint here.

Registered Apprenticeships