Independent Training Links
5-Day Job Search Challenge

Brush up on job search skills with award-winning author Andrew LaCivita. 

Go at your own pace; one lesson is released each day. Topics include:

Session 1: Learn the Challenge

  • You'll get the challenge, the philosophy regarding why it works and how to get started immediately!

Session 2: Identify Employers

  • Learn one of the key success factors for the challenge, which is identifying the companies you want to target!

Session 3: Target People

  • Once you have a great target company list, you need to know how to find the people to contact!

Session 4: Send Messages

  • Now that you've identified people you need to contact, you need to know what to say so they respond to you!

Session 5: Overcome Challenges

  • Of course, not everything goes to plan. Learn how to overcome the common obstacles!


Start the challenge here.