Business Team Protocols
File iconOJT Protocol.docx
Size: 175 KB
OJT Protocol; updated 10/27/2023
File iconReferral to Business Team Protocol.docx
Size: 174 KB
How to refer job seekers to the Business Team; updated 12/22/2023
File iconReferrals from Resume Searches Protocol.docx
Size: 274 KB
Protocol for making job referrals based on KW resume searches; updated 7-7-2023
File iconPre-screen and Job Application Protocol.docx
Size: 655 KB
Pre-screen & Job Application Protocol; updated 6-30-2023
File iconEmployer Account Reactivation Protocol.docx
Size: 169 KB
Protocol for reactivating employer accounts; updated 6/30/2023
File iconEmployer Contact Tracking Protocol.docx
Size: 1 MB
Protocol for entering Contact Tracking & Employer Notes; updated 6/30/2023